Starvation-threatened Africans are being encouraged to eat insects by a UK aid initiative.

African caterpillars, migratory locusts and black soldier flies are on the menu under the initiative taking place in Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of Congo - but locals are rejecting the offer due to the taste and cultural norms.

Dr Alberto Fiore, the project lead who has whipped up a dish of locally farmed mopane worms, cereals, and fruits, has also created a insect-based porridge containing grains including sorghum and millets, which he reassured the Guardian is palatable.

  • Lenins2ndCat
    22 years ago

    Everyone out of their teens knows what a strawman is mate it’s very basic. Where is your justification? Where is your evidence? Stop avoiding the point and dancing around it. Talk like a normal human being that actually answers what people say.

    All you are doing is repeatedly dodging. Are you going to avoid the request for evidence a third time? You’re only demonstrating that you have none.

    • poVoq
      2 years ago

      I am not dodging at all, I don’t even really disagree with you on the topic of debt-trap diplomacy. But why do you constantly derail this discussion to a topic that no one other than you even talks about here?

      It’s a classic strawman to avoid talking about the real issue which is no-questions-asked financial support to currupt regimes and elites in Africa.