So instead of using only tor when using tor browser, I can use tor while using firefox, the command line, etc.

I use Manjaro Cinnamon.

I know I’ll have to be careful with emails and some other applications that aren’t encrypted.

    • @ajr@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      What would happen if I use tor browser while using archtorify? I find it helpful to be able to change the tor circuit with a button. I wish there was something like that in firefox when using torify.

      I think I’ll modify archtorify to change the circuit every so often. Perhaps I can check for internet speed and choose different circuits until it’s above a given speed.

      • Sagar Acharya
        02 years ago

        There’s no point of using tor browser while using archtorify. I haven’t tried such a thing. Tor Browser additionally protects against fingerprinting which archtorify does not. You’ll be able to do that by restarting archtorify using “archtorify -r”.

        Absolutely, that’s the advantage of free software! :)