• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    2 years ago

    The reality of the situation is that Ukraine is doing a lot worse after US sponsored color revolution than it did before. It’s now the poorest country in Europe and there are no prospects of things getting better going forward. People you met when you were in Ukraine grew up in the time after USSR collapse, and they expected that Ukraine would become like the west once it moved into western sphere of influence. Yet, after 2014 things continued to get worse, and young people have only seen their prospects continuously get worse, so there is a lot of disillusionment with the west at this point.

    Meanwhile, life in USSR was far better for the vast majority of the people. Material conditions have been deteriorating drastically for the vast majority of people in former republics.

    • @aldebaran@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      thanks for the response. do you think that ukraine would ever split? i’m sure that there are a lot of people disillusioned with the US and the EU, but at the same time, i think that just as many are disillusioned by Russia and the USSR. i haven’t been back to ukraine since 2014, and haven’t kept up on how things are going, but the friends i did make there have been trying to get out of ukraine. the family i was close to was trying to make their way to poland, and the other good friend i made ended up in chicago. they like ukraine, but are tired of the lack of opportunities.