I wanted to install Silence, but fdroid says it was last updated 2 year ago. Is the project still alive and active? I remember using it a while ago and i really liked it. That’s why i want to install it again.

  • Sr Estegosaurio
    23 years ago

    What’s the pobrem sohwing that you are using encryption? (Ignoring the places where it’s illegal) Maybe using encryption makes you suspicious (?) But if every one uses it what’s making you “suspicious”? I mean, even WhatsApp is E2EE (they still get metada AF)

    • @Brattea@lemmy.ml
      03 years ago

      it makes you a target. Like idk what else to say. It’s also impractical. The best encryption is the encryption that gets used. And signal is just far easier for 99% of people.