Fediverse and parasocial relationships

  • Shouldn’t the fediverse discourage patterns that create parasocial relationships?

  • Wouldn’t it be better if the standard was a symmetrical relationship between users instead of the asymmetrical follow model?

  • Most big social medias thrive on parasocial-relations, is it necessary to emulate that model for success?

  • Shouldn’t we focus on community building and mutual friendship instead of forcing everyone to be a mini-celebrity?

  • Aren’t communities/groups better for discoverability than the public feeds of mastodon, pleroma,etc

  • Travis Skaalgard
    43 years ago

    The parasocial relationships that pop up on the Fediverse tend to be more organic than they are on the corporate web. There’s no mega-influencers with millions of followers. The closest things are like, that guy at the pub everyone knows.

    • @Liwott@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      Isn’t that just a scale effect though? Don’t artists with similar numbers on traditional platforms behave similarly?