• Seirdy
    3 years ago

    A recent article on Corporate Memphis: Why does every advert look the same? Corporate Memphis.

    Its popularity is the result of a feedback loop: it’s popular because it’s popular. It also makes people feel safe and comfortable (a form of brain-hacking, if you will).

    Honestly, I wouldn’t mind it too much if it wasn’t so overused. Now I immediately feel distrustful the second I see it. It makes me assume that I’m looking at a page made by an advertiser rather than something honest. Product information shouldn’t try to make me feel something, it should tell me why I should and shouldn’t use something.

    • Travis SkaalgardOP
      23 years ago

      I’m actually in the same boat with “I wouldn’t mind it too much if it wasn’t so overused.” On an aesthetic level there are things I like about this style, but it’s just so ubiquitous now.