• @timdaub@lemmy.mlOP
    3 years ago

    Hey, thanks for reaching out!

    It’s true, I’m not doing a good job allowing my users to learn more :/. If you have feedback how I could improve that, I’m grateful to hear it!

    Now, the TL;DR version is:

    A few people have created stock tickers for data sets they’re selling on Ethereum (here: https://market.oceanprotocol.com/). If you buy 1 stock or “data token”, you can use their data set e.g. once. I was interested in investing in these data tokens but didn’t know which ones were the best. So I started ranking them by how much and how widely they’re traded.

    Hope that explains it a bit. Happy to answer further questions!

    • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Yes super helpful! And interesting.

      I’d just post what you wrote here onto an about page or sticky it to the top of the blog post page.

      What’s stopping people from pirating it? Ie. Copying the dataset once they have access to it onto a spreadsheet software or database.