• Travis Skaalgard
    43 years ago

    Thunderbird is pretty great on every platform. I’d use it if I didn’t use a free ProtonMail. Because of this, I use ElectronMail, which is pretty great for what it is.

    • @Hagels_Bagels@lemmygrad.ml
      13 years ago

      FYI I’ve seen people on Lemmy express negative views about ProtonMail for supposedly being a honeypot, and for their support of Belarus & Hong Kong protesters.

      • Travis Skaalgard
        13 years ago

        I don’t use ProtonMail for anything illicit, but also I wonder to what extent ProtonMail could even be a honeypot. It’s all encrypted, open source, and hosted in Switzerland and a handful of other countries. I feel like it would take coordinated effort among several countries to get ahold of my emails and I’m not nearly important enough for this.

    • @mkulimaOPA
      13 years ago

      I like TD a lot. But the resource hog no matter how I tweak may perhaps mean I upgrade my hardware.