Some interesting data on hosting service centralization of mastodon instances.

  • (´。• ᵕ •。`)
    13 years ago

    I’m sorry why isn’t federation about privacy? Everything’s free software with little to nothing amount of tracking, except for the fact that almost everything’s public I think the Fediverse is much better than any other social talking of privacy(?)

    • Dreeg Ocedam
      43 years ago

      Free software is heavily correlated to privacy yes. And the Fediverse pretty much entirely free software. However, the technical aspect of federation has little to do with privacy. A free software centralised social network could be pretty private, even more than the Fediverse , because the data is not shared with multiple hosts. And the other way works too. You could build a federated social network that is significantly less private than the Fediverse currently is.

      Also, the Fediverse can only be considered private to the extent that there are no advertising trackers on the platforms. However, pretty much every post on the Fediverse can be viewed by anyone.