Some interesting data on hosting service centralization of mastodon instances.

    43 years ago

    Interesting fact about (a protocol mostly focused on decentralized instant messaging while ActivityPub is more for social networks):

    “One thing I love about @matrix is how independent of a server a room can be. It requires at least one server for now, but it’s easier to see it as a “a room in the Matrix universe”. It has one main door, but can have many other doors, all leading to the same room. Each door lives on one server, but the room lives on several servers at once.”


          23 years ago

          Not all rooms are private. When joining a public room, many users assume that only Matrix users can see the content, similarly to IRC. Instead, it’s equivalent to writing on a public website.

          Plus, people make mistakes, e.g. typing in the wrong room. The built-in edit mechanism is unable to handle this issue because everything is made public immediately. Deleting a message can even give people a false sense of security.