Discussion questions:

What new books are you reading?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

Question of the week:

Be honest: do you get your books from Amazon or directly from the publishers? If you do a bit of both, how often for each?


(I do this so people here can talk about things other than politics so enjoy yourselves.)

  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    21 year ago

    Fiction: GRRM Dunk & Egg series

    Non-Fiction: The Assassination of Fred Hampton

    Gotta say I expected something different from this. More of a biography a la Malcolm X. Still interesting and just insane to what degree all levers of power worked to kill this 21 year old local leader. The whole state apparatus of the global hegemon was used to execute this young Chicago dude who barely got started with his work. And then you still have idiots 50 years later, whining about muh US democracy.

    But the writing itself kinda irks me. It’s just so painfully…American. The author seems to have done some very good work in his life for the cause, but he talks and writes just like any other self-gratifying Yank high-achiever. It’s all about the self, how hard you work, how tough you are, but in such a self-important way. Dunno, really not my cup of tea at all. It’s a quick read though, so not too bad.