October revolution,
A momentous day,
A spark of change
In a world so gray.

The people rose up,
With courage and might,
To take back their power
And claim their right.

With fists held high
And hearts on fire,
They marched towards victory
With a burning desire.

October revolution,
A beacon of light,
A reminder that change
Can be won through the fight.

A symbol of courage
And determination,
A reminder to never
Settle for oppression.

So let us remember
This glorious day,
And continue the fight
For a better way.

October revolution,
Forever be hailed,
A beacon of hope
In a world that often fails.
  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
    1 year ago

    got it to make a couple of more poems that work pretty well

    In the vast expanse of space,
    Where stars and planets gleam,
    A new way of life has risen,
    A utopia, a communist dream.
    No longer do we toil and sweat,
    For our labor is shared by all,
    No more wars or famine,
    No more greed or avarice to enthrall.
    We live in harmony and peace,
    In a world without borders or boundaries,
    Where all are equal,
    And all are free.
    We travel to the stars,
    To explore and to discover,
    And in our travels,
    We never tire or falter.
    For we are the children of space,
    The pioneers of communism,
    And we will spread our ideals,
    To every corner of the universe, with vim.
    So let us stand together,
    In solidarity and unity,
    For we are the future,
    Of space communism, and infinity.

    In the land of the free,
    Where wealth is the key,
    Failures of capitalism can be seen,
    In the poverty and inequality.
    Greed drives the market,
    As profits are sought,
    But the have-nots are left,
    With their pockets to the naught.
    The rich get richer,
    The poor get poorer,
    A never-ending cycle,
    That only grows bolder.
    Corporate interests reign,
    As the people suffer in vain,
    Political corruption and greed,
    Only fuel the capitalist machine.
    But the people will rise,
    Against this capitalist guise,
    For a fair and just society,
    Where all can thrive.