I don’t know how I never stumbled upon Lemmy before, I’ve been looking for a worthwhile alternative to Reddit for over a year now. Guess I wasn’t looking hard enough!

    • @aRatherDapperFox@lemmy.mlOP
      511 months ago

      There are a lot less people on here, but I feel a lot more keyed in and engaged with the communities I am a part of on here. It’s nice!

  • @zwubb@beehaw.org
    811 months ago

    A meme taken from the fediverse Twitter clone and posted on the fediverse Reddit clone… there is always a lighthouse

    • @aRatherDapperFox@lemmy.mlOP
      11 months ago

      It does not surprise me in the least to find out this meme has been done before, but I actually made this lol. I wish I had seen it on the Fediverse Twitter clone, then I would’ve screenshotted the “Tweet” and posted the screenshot and we really WOULD be kinda full circle there.

    • @aRatherDapperFox@lemmy.mlOP
      911 months ago

      Personally, so far I adore it. It doesn’t scratch that… Endless content consumption itch that Reddit did. There are a lot less users, so there’s a lot less “fresh” content piling up on my home feed for me to scroll through and huff air out my nose at.

      It’s been a bit of an adjustment, but now that I’m more used to it it’s definitely a welcome change. I find myself actively engaging more instead of just scrolling by, contributing instead of lurking.

      Welcome to Lemmy!

      • @Hexorg@beehaw.org
        411 months ago

        Give it some time the content will come. Also make sure to post that content yourself too. Posting and commenting are very needed right now to attract more people and the more people get attracted the less posting and commenting you’ll need to do to maintain everyone engaged

    • @CasscadingSymmetry@beehaw.org
      11 months ago

      Getting Instagram and TikTok would be interesting but I can see how it is a bit unlikely to be possible.

      Edit: It seems someone has done an Instagram one called pixelfed