i was wondering what your thoughts on trotskyism are and if you have any criticism

  • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    3 years ago

    The only saving grace for Trotsky as far as I’m concerned is how he absolutely dabs on Makhno and the Ukrainian Anarchists.

    Edit: One thing that always stands out to me about the Trotskyist coup attempt is that despite enormous efforts to obfuscate various key events that lead up to the purge (did Trotskyists assassinate Kirov or was it Stalin, Was Tukhachevsky actually a German narc etc) the fact that the Sedov letters, the incriminating correspondence between Trotsky and his son, were in fact discovered by a committed French Trotskyist makes the case clean to me. I only thank Pierre Broué that he had the strength of character to accept and report the reality in front of him and not simply bury the letters for sectarian reasons.

      • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
        3 years ago

        The correspondence in the Sedov letters confirmed that a plot was underway against Stalin, with Trotsky communicating with his son about the existence of a Trotsky-Zinovievist faction of conspirators inside the party, with Trotsky allegedly stating, "Before everything else we have to drive out the present leadership and get rid of Stalin nothing but their liquidation can bring victory”. Curiously, later scholars who accessed this archive of all of Trotsky’s papers found this document was missing and allegations of a document purge were thrown around. It doesn’t help that the archive in question is at Harvard, after academics there bought all of Trotsky’s correspondence some time after his death. Broué wrote about it all.