"Centralised messenger Signal has just announced that they are making part of their server software closed source. They claim it is to fight spam, but by using closed source they make it impossible for outsiders to verify the truth. This is worrying.

We really, really need a fully open, decentralised alternative to Signal.

There are several alternatives being developed, please support them:

➡️ @matrix

➡️ @delta

➡️ @briar

➡️ @Jami "

  • @newhoa@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Purely conspiracy theory here, but this comes just after the reveal that the FBI tried to get user info. Maybe the FBI weren’t happy with the lack of records Signal were keeping and this is a compromise. We have seen this sort of thing before. Gov wants info, an extra closed layer is created. If it’s not this, the timing is unfortunate.

    Anyway, the blog post is very vague. In all those paragraphs they don’t even mention how this new implementation works. Just that the way it works now isn’t enough. Maybe the interfaces they mention becoming public will help understand it better, but of course the code is closed and unreleased so we’ll never really know.