Join the FedeProxy vidcall and help bring Gitea to the Fediverse

Whether you are technical or not, there’s many ways you can help. By doing so you’ll contribute to offering real and open alternatives to the dominant position that Github has on the open source movement. Decentralized FOSS development on the Fediverse, no less!


  • Proofreading of grant proposal
  • Dev bounty: Generate gitea private keys
  • Find individuals & orgs to support grant application and/or federation in Gitea
  • Facts / articles that demonstrate the popularity of Gitea
  • Where to advertise the effort towards federation?
  • First grant application must be sent before October 1st, 2021 for the @NGIZero Discovery call

Provide your availability for the vidcall here:

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    23 years ago

    “Diversity audit for the open-source FedeProxy project”. This doesn’t sit well with me. Very few people these days are excluded if their skills are good and also given for free. The irony is that the image on the linked page is of one male - same guy- when it could’ve included male and female and several different races and hair colors. Online, a person needn’t give their real name. Often, people don’t know what sex or nationality I am. They certainly don’t know who I have sexual fantasies about. People are also legally able to change their birth name (something I intend to do). One of my favorite writers, George Elliot, was actually female - and that was longgggg ago that she pulled that off wonderful trickery. Pushing ‘diversity’ in tech seems to imply that, in tech, people are excluded who have competitive skills. They aren’t. Getting those skills may be harder for some minorities, but once they get the skills, tech companies and orgs don’t discriminate and are very inclusive. Other industries probably discriminate, but not tech. This also seems to imply that Whitey is actively trying to suppress minorities and is therefore the enemy. I date outside of my race usually, so this really irks me. Content of character and skills seem fair to mention, but not diversity. It almost sounds like a salesman or politician saying, “You can trust me”. It has an element of cringe to it.