I got the idea of this thread because of this comment

I know it’s kinda depressing seeing all this empty communities, but I think the problem is that it’s still all concentrated around privacy and tech. To create awareness of lemmy We should create more “casual” communities and share those threads outside.

As I already pointed out in the linked comment, I’ll not dislike some cat tax.

  • @TheAgeOfSuperboredom@lemmy.ca
    3 years ago

    Lemmy hasn’t been federated for very long yet, and there are still some rough edges. I only just signed up and had to read the doc to find out how to subscribe to a community on another instance (I guess you have to search for it as !<community>@<instance_url>). I also wasn’t seeing posts on that community from my instance.

    I think Lemmy is off to a great start here, but I’d hate to see people turned off because of UX issues. It’s all solvable, but it just needs time and effort.

    As an example, I’ve been using Matrix personally for years, but it’s only in the last year or so that I feel comfortable recommending it to my non-technical friends.

    I think it’s just a matter of time for Lemmy to get enough polish to start attracting more people. And I’m really looking forward to that!

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
      43 years ago

      Welcome! If you can think of any concrete way to improve Lemmy (like easier subscribing to remote communities), please open an issue.

    • @DefNotPizza@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      For instances i just DDgo-ed “lemmy instances”, but I still didn’t create another account for them