Over the course of the last month, members of the Berkman Klein community, representing academics, activists, lawyers and technologists, came together to discuss the Twitter BlueSky project. The discussions culminated in this “meta-proposal” for the BlueSky team and community, which presents suggestions on how to go about considering proposals and building out BlueSky.

  • @halo@lemmy.mlOP
    43 years ago

    Obligatory XKCD

    I like the publicity this gives to fediverse. I do not think ignoring existing protocols right from the start inspires hope in as much as Twitter and Harvard do not explicitly mention existing options. I hope I am wrong in the long run.

    • ufra
      23 years ago

      I would be happy if they setup shop somewhere else and stay off activitypub. If they come in with opt-in echo chamber prevention analytics, business models, DMCA screening, ID2020, influencers, shadow bans then it’s a giant step backwards.

      • @halo@lemmy.mlOP
        23 years ago

        I agree. It is hard to see how a centralized powerful entity would cede that power to a decentralized system if their aim is not to turn decentralized communities into name-only but centralized in practice.