For this blog post I analyzed satellite photos of the parking lots at CSE headquarters, CSIS headquarters, Canadian Forces Station Leitrim, NSA Fort Meade, and GCHQ Cheltenham. With the exception of CSE (which uses a parking garage for most of its parking), roughly the same pattern can be seen at all of these sites: a sharp reduction in parking lot use around late March 2020 as the first wave of the pandemic struck, greater but still reduced occupancy in May and June 2020, and a return to full lots by the end of the summer of 2020. There is very little evidence of reduced parking lot use during the winter 2020/2021 wave of the pandemic.

  • @halo@lemmy.mlOP
    23 years ago

    I do not know exactly what effect you are after, since all I did was paste the url link, but the editing options on web version are easy to use.