this community has a sole goal of making the fediverse big enough to compete with popular social media platforms of today, and even replacing them altogether as our endgame.

it’s as though seems like were trying something impossible here, regardless:

TL;DR; if anyone can come up with a good name for this community, please post it in the comments.

so far we have:

  • 24 Hours of Fediverse
  • Fediverse World Tour
  • fed up!
  • D-central

edit; this is not just for a lemmy community. as mentioned below, we have a wide variety of things that were gonna do in the future. so were not just confined to a sublemmy, obviously. more like a community organization. see the previous post.

a continuation from the previous post;

    • GwynneOP
      23 years ago

      I want the community to choose because It’s gonna be a community project. besides, I’m pretty bad at naming things like this.

      good suggestion though :)

        63 years ago

        I like “Up to you” because, at least to me, it evokes empowerment, ability to take a decission, personal responsability, and control over it. And it has a positive feeling, but up to you ;-)

        • GwynneOP
          33 years ago

          oh… that was kind of smooth. thanks for saying that, now I feel motivated