We all know about how Reddit closed-sourced back in 2017 and will be killing off third-party apps this July, what will Lemmy.ml do to avoid facing the same fate? Reddit started off like this (open, aiming for freedom) and it all went downhill from there.

  • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
    1911 months ago

    We, the users should make sure to stay on lemmy servers that use the open-source lemmy code. If other servers open up, who have closed source code, we should consider blocking them, at a minimum not support them by using their communities.

    That will make sure that lemmy servers will keep using the open source code and thus will allow other people to spin up new servers.

    • comfy
      1711 months ago

      I’m no expert, but my understanding of the AGPL license of Lemmy code is that any modification is legally required to display the modification’s source code prominently online. So if I’m not mistaken then they can’t close source the code, so long as the devs are willing to threaten legal action (like Mastodon vs. Truth Social)

      • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
        511 months ago

        Okay so they would have to write their own website that supports ActivityPub and is compatible to lemmy :)