We as a community must stop recommending Signal. For far too long we have blindly followed this app without a second thought. It has created a cult of followers, when there are much better apps out there for us to use.

https://archive.is/Lhe24 archive for the essay

This essay was posted to r/Privacy and subsequently removed and censored for literally No Reason. This is honestly really scary: https://old.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/wj5svi/signal_messenger_revealed_to_have_cia_ties_funded/ https://archive.ph/FZr1d

I am seriously hoping we can have a discussion about this on lemmy. @TheAnonymouseJoker , I know you from r/PrivateLife, and thought you’d be the one to go to about this. Thanks for being open in the past and not bowing to the inner circle of reddit cringelords.

I also am preparing an essay of my own about a complicit honeypot-ish web going on between Signal, Skiff, r/Privacy, r/PrivacyGuides, etc. They have a crazy little cabal that is very creepy. Any materials are welcome. Every time i turn over a stone i find two more. More to come.

  • Pablo
    011 months ago

    Ok, so what is better with other apps and why shouldn’t one recommend signal over the apps people use (say Whatsapp, telegram)

  • @PM_ME_UR_PCAPS@lemmy.ml
    011 months ago

    Signal haters are back. I skimmed it and didn’t see anything remotely convincing or new. I was hoping this lemmy community wouldn’t turn into quite the level of deranged conspiracy posting as the subreddit of the same name, but it looks like that may not be the case.

    • @Unlucky_Boot3467@lemmy.worldOP
      -111 months ago

      The evidence is all there. It’s ironic that the negative association of the word “conspiracy” was actually pushed by the CIA and their cohorts, and is used on other words too, to cause your mind to instantly recoil is disassociate yourself from it.

      Just try it. Say “I’m a conspiracy theorist” out loud in front of people, and felt the fear instantly take over as you try to mentally remove yourself from it. That’s called brainwashing.

      But people like you do their bidding and perpetuate the weaponization of “evil” sounding words.

  • LollerCorleone
    -111 months ago

    Governments routinely fund the development of secure and open communication systems because they themselves benefit from having such communication tools which can be trusted. By the logic presented in this “essay”, one shouldn’t be using the internet at all. What you need to check is whether Signal’s technical claims about its encryption is true or not. There is nothing in this article that raises any question on Signal’s encryption. We already know how much data Signal has on its users through their responses to various legal subpoenas over the years (spoiler: its pretty much nothing).

    Here are some cool links for you to check out:

    • @hillbicks@feddit.de
      011 months ago

      Thanks, was about to post the same. I have no emotional attachment to signal, but I haven’t seen a real reason why I shouldn’t be using it anymore. At least from a security point of view. It works very reliably for years now and does most of the things i expect from it.

      • LollerCorleone
        -111 months ago

        Yep! Signal is the only decent privacy-oriented messaging app available right now, which can also be used easily the non-techy masses.