I haven’t read a lot of these sources myself yet, but the first one at least by the Communist Party of India is worth a read.

    • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Referring to this video is a splendid example of confirmation bias (something we all suffer from). I, like most people here, can’t know for sure what’s happening to the Uyghurs. I only have access to information that can be infested with propaganda (from whatever side). So always keep an open mind and methodically doubt anything (like Descartes).

    • @xe8@lemmy.mlOP
      43 years ago

      Thanks, I already watched most of that one. I think he should remove the propaganda at the start of the video and lose the over the top production because he makes a few good points.

      I wouldn’t exactly call it a “debunking” though. It’s not as if oppression of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities is some made up thing.