Prime minister faces accusations of not taking issue seriously amid reports of 11 candidates receiving Chinese money.

  • @tardigrada@beehaw.orgOP
    01 year ago

    Literally every person I’ve heard make this statement are also the first to dogpile on social media any perceived Chinese person holding them personally responsible for the actions of a government they have little say in

    I don’t know what makes you believe that I hold individuals “personally responsible” for the actions of a government they have little (or probably nothing) to say in. This is a very strange interpretation of my post. Unfortunately, though, here on Lemmy appear to be communities where such a second-hand humiliation is the preferred communication style.

      11 year ago


      When you talk like a right-wing ignoramus (RWI), using almost exactly the same words as they do, you pattern-match as an RWI and are dismissed accordingly. This is horribly unfair, I know, I’m sorry, but I have way too little time in my day to go into your entire network history to see if you’re in the hypothetical 0.56% of people who use the phrase you did without being an RWI.

      The existence of the 99.44% who are RWIs just too overwhelming a volume for me to concern myself with the (as yet hypothetical) 0.56%.