@Houkime on itch.io has recently started organizing Gamejams on the Fediverse. This is a great idea to get some real creative hackathons going that drive fedi forwards at the same time.

This brainstorming thread is for posting game ideas that might be picked up in these sessions.

  • smallcirclesOPM
    32 years ago

    No gamedev (and little time) but the description on the Jam page “Data-vampires and wall-mounted eyes? […]” gave me an idea for someone to pick up:

    Reach the Activity Pub

    Your significant other doesn’t want you to go to the Pub, the only lively place in the center of town. Though a place full of activity, the booze flows richly here and attractive town folk engage in rowdy dances. As it happens your partner is extremely jealous of you visiting the place, especially if they have to work. And they happen to work in a surveillance center that operates all the town’s CCTV and doorbell camera’s.

    Can you navigate the windy roads and alleys and avoid the prying wall-mounted eyes swiveling back and forth, and reach the Pub? More importantly: Can you get back home unnoticed after your visit, when the alcohol coursing through your veins have twisted reality and strange things always happen?


    Not knowing if this is possible the game transforms real OpenStreetMap tilesets into the gameplay area, and the existing overlay of CCTV locations and Camera types. This aspect making it realistic and educational as well, while still fun. There are difficulty levels: Nightmare mode --> Can you navigate the heart of London?

    If you like the idea we can brainstorm some more below, and list OSS projects and codes that may be used for implementation.

    Update: I tooted about this here https://mastodon.social/@humanetech/107104136403882365

    Note: First sent to !libre_culture in this post.

  • smallcirclesOPM
    2 years ago

    🎇 Federated Alternative Reality Game (and Gamification)

    Alternate Reality Game: An interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by players’ ideas or actions. (Wikipedia)

    🧙 Challenge: Warming people for the Fediverse

    On Fediverse we often talk how we’d like to entice other people, our friends and family, to join and sign up to fedi instances. We sigh and despair about so many too-technical descriptions of what Fedi is and does. And we see with frustration how we are mostly unsuccessful in bringing new folks in. Then, with other fedizens, we discuss on all kinds of campaigns we may start to make more people aware of what they miss out on. Only to see those peter out, as - with grassroots community and “herding cats” - no one picks up the glove and no real initiative comes from the ground.

    ✨ Solution: ARG + Gamficiation from fedi to the real world

    So how can we change that? Simple: By turning dilligent and grinding, disciplined (and boring) campaign tasks into a form of collective game building, an entirely fun and creative experience. It may become an art project even, if we’d like it to. There can be an entire series of Gamejams dedicated to this fediworld-building theme.

    What it consists of is setting out ‘teases’ into the real world and other online channels, that are actually entry points to ARG gameplay, where still unwitting potential players may be attracted to. We offer genuine and honest stuff that makes them learn about the fediverse, and something more besides to attract them to do a deeper-dive. Become part of the game. Dive in as deep as they like. The “Da Vinci Code” of the Fediverse will drive them on.

    🚀 Method: Fediverse as Game Development Environment

    So besides the fact that actual federated gameplay is designed and launched, the process of gameplay design can be streamlined using the Fediverse as well. How do we crowdsource ideation, storytelling, graphics design, human- or bot-driven NPG’s that interact with outsiders? Etceteray. Thinking of fedi as Gameplay development platform can brin the Gamejam concept to a whole different level.

  • @stemid@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    I used to play a lot of #wolfgame on IRC and when the Fediverse came around my first idea was to re-create the wolfgame on fediverse. I started writing it in Python but gave up halfway through. The game engine is there, it communicates with Mastodon, but it needs content.

    Wolfgame is a lot like Mafia that others may have played. Player starts a game, game is announced to people who subscribe to the bot, other players are given a chance to join the game. Once started the game simulates day/night cycle and allows players to vote for who might be a werewolf during the day.

    During the night wolves can vote on who to murder.

    There could be the same roles as the wolfgame on irc, assigned at startup and given special abilities. All that is really required to make this game work is public messaging and private messaging. Then everything else is just like the IRC version.

    The IRC version can now be found in #werewolf@liberachat.

  • smallcirclesOPM
    2 years ago

    🌏 Sci-fi Labs Federated Worldbuilding

    The other day via iAlja I was pointed to the Science Fiction Economics Lab. It is an initiative of storytelling viable alternatives to Hypercapitalism, which is currently the only game we play. This open community encourages people to join and build alternative worlds and explore radically different concepts together. It hopes to inspire and foster a creative ecosystem of cool spin-off projects to explore new things.

    The set up is a bit weird and you have to figure it out. Much of the worldbuilding discussion takes place on a discourse forum. But it gave me 2 ideas:

    1. We might build a world that envisions a mature Fediverse that goes way beyond what we currently have (and will smash the vision of the Metaverse, though that’s not its prime goal).
    2. The Fedijams might take place inside this world, and with the purpose to further enrich it all the time.

    The Fedijams wouldn’t change much compared to how they are currently organized, except that with this world in the background they’ve found common ground. There’s more of a uniting factor, and more focus on collaborating on the Fediverse and with other fedizens. The world we started at Sci-Fi Labs is the substrate to which Fedijams are tied.

    What’s interesting is that - as the world gets richer - there’s more and more game-building material available. Different storylines to explore, characters to develop, etc. Candidate submission can give different twists to submissions from prior fedijams, maybe completely different perspective, atmosphere and game type. All the narratives and the world itself serve to attract a broader audience to explore further than pure gamejams ever could (they’ll mostly appeal to gamedevs that are able to crank out some game in a week).

    On all levels building blocks become available that make Fedijams easier to participate in. On the technical end, if we imagine a future fediverse, there’s a lot of potential if we manage to move from silo-first to task-oriented app design. Where this will lead us might be close to the radical vision of MercuryOS (read also: Introduction to Mercury OS). For fedijams available building blocks might include e.g. some core federation library, so that is doesn’t have to be reinvented for every game submission.

    As for setting all this up, instead of the forum associated with sci-fi labs, we might tie this to Fediverse Town for non-technical parts and SocialHub for tech aspects and @Houkime’s Federated Game Store once that shapes up, hence binding communities together.

    See also: Sci-Fi Labs Federated Worldbuilding