The software generates attractive graphs showing the history of each hop. The attractive visuals makes it easy to follow network routes and finding the causes of downtimes and poor network performance. This is helped by the software’s tab support, which lets you analyse multiple routes simultaneously.

The modular architecture of Pingnoo allows third parties to extend the features of the software. The main application binary is very small and only serves as a loader for components (aka plugins).

There’s support for IPv4 and IPv6. We can change the interval, and the duration of the viewport. For the latter, the default is 60 seconds, but there’s also durations of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, and 24 hours.


#technology #opensource #networkutilities #pingnoo #networks

  • weex
    13 years ago

    I wonder what’s the use case for most people for this? Testing VPNs? Choosing gaming servers?

    • GadgeteerZAOP
      33 years ago

      Well certainly those, but also troubleshooting problems with a slow network connection to pinpoint it, and if necessary showing stats to an ISP to prove the point as they usually have 100 other excuses.

      13 years ago

      In Network Administration we also use it to understand the network map or infraestructure without checking every device manually.

      General network troubleshooting is also other use.