• @bluerabbit@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago

    I’ve been looking around for other sources to corroborate this and I’m not finding anything good. A sibling already pointed out a discussion of “NSFB” from 2018 (another one from that trusted source of quality journalism, Blogspot). The earlier article was discussed on HN and it looks like a fundamentally different use case - most likely an indicator of which subreddits are appropriate for displaying advertisements.

    I’m not saying this article is false - it does link to this notabug thing which shows a “nsfb” flag (however that works). It is, however, literally the only case I’ve been able to find of “article removed and tagged nsfb”. Does anyone have any other information to confirm that this is really what’s happening, or more than a once-off?

    • @nromdotcom@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      Thanks for being a voice of reason and not taking uncited claims on a random blog as fact like everyone else in this thread.

      According to the notabug site itself:

      What is nsfb? (Not Safe For Brand) Reddit’s api returns an undocumented brand_safe field for content. It appears to be applied on a subreddit basis. Snew displays a nsfb indicator when a post has a false brand_safe value. It is believed that all subreddits are nsfb until manually reviewed as safe

      I haven’t tested the veracity of the claim that reddit’s api returns this value as I’m not at a computer, but it’s certainly a much less extraordinary claim than “this particular post was deleted so as not to be mean to brands.”

      Let’s don’t make Lemmy a place for misinformation to spread just yet, eh folks? Try to verify claims, especially extraordinary claims, even if they reinforce your world view.

      (By the way none of this is to say that reddit doesn’t suck and they are absolutely just an ad-serving platform at this point.)

  • @xe8@lemmy.ml
    03 years ago

    Not Safe For Brands? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Ridiculous.

    Does Lemmy have any kind of protection against stuff like vote manipulation from bot accounts?

    • Dessalines
      03 years ago

      Their goal would probably just be to have what twitter has, where brands like burger king and wendys, who have thousands of followers, send heart emojis back and forth to other brands, lol.

      Does Lemmy have any kind of protection against stuff like vote manipulation from bot accounts?

      Not besides the captcha signup. BUT, my original intention was, unlike reddit, which is happy to allow bots and vote manipulation, to be very strict about having bots be a separate entity from users. And the fact that most bots or things like RES are just extra features that reddit wouldn’t or didn’t think to add in the first place. Being an open source project, its possible to add those features directly into lemmy.

      One way I can think of to keep out bots past signup, is to periodically, maybe every few weeks, log users out and require a captcha for sign in again, but I imagine people wouldn’t like being logged out. Its something we’ll def have to keep an eye on.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
        -23 years ago

        Just do not use a privacy violating captcha. This is one of the most critical reasons why users see Lemmy as so nice.

        HCaptcha is nice, and there might be some other alternatives too. Also avoid CloudFlare.

        • Dessalines
          03 years ago

          We use an open-source rust based captcha in lemmy internally. HCaptcha is def not as bad as google, but its still a silicon valley company, and doesn’t offer a self-hostable version, and isn’t open source in the slightest. Cloudflare is absolutely awful, we’ll never use it.

            • Dessalines
              23 years ago

              For most things, ddos protection isn’t gonna be necessary, they’re targeted attacks. For most servers, simple nginx rate limiting, ufw, and fail2ban or https://github.com/crowdsecurity/crowdsec are good enough… there are good guides for doing other things too like disabling password-based ssh logins.

              Good VPS’s will offer anti-ddos protection, we were getting hit here pretty hard until we moved to ovh. Cloudflare should never be an option though, that gives them all form submits, including passwords, all client-server data unencrypted.

              • @lavidaloca@lemmy.ml
                13 years ago

                Whoa! I looked it up. OVH offers quite a lot there. That’s awesome! Will definitely consider moving my setup there. Appreciate the tip.

          • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
            -13 years ago

            Very interesting and very nice. I appreciate this hard stance which made me see Lemmy uniquely among all these Reddit alternatives that pop up everyday.

            One interesting thing is that most toxic ignorant Redditors so affectionate about their racism hatred or love of corporate capitalism never consider trying to pollute Lemmy.

            • @seahorse@lemmy.ml
              03 years ago

              I caught a QAnon guy trying to start a group here lol. Luckily we banned him and his community before he dragged anybody else over here.

              • @bluerabbit@lemmy.ml
                03 years ago

                Just curious - I have no interest in giving QAnon conspiracies more oxygen - but on what basis were they banned? Being disastrously misinformed, on its own, does not appear to be against the Code of Conduct (and nor should it be).

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                  -13 years ago

                  Spreading such misinformation without full knowledge of a subject, and hearing all sides of arguments, does violate the policies here I think. And it seems to be working, keeping those hive minded Redditors or Facebook-tier users away.

              • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
                -13 years ago

                I pity people who fall for their trap. Most victims often are otherwise intelligent, but only are socially discriminatory or unintelligent. Followers often are not a pure extension of one’s ideology.

  • @Rumblestiltskin@lemmy.ml
    03 years ago

    I am very impatient for federated alternatives to Reddit to really take hold so we can escape all of the controlled messaging.

    • @gorugorugo@lemmy.ml
      13 years ago

      Isn’t Lemmy already running federated? This is a great Reddit alternative so far, just needs more people and content, like every other new site :)

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mlM
      -13 years ago

      Actually, eveything that has to do with the above entities is USA USA USA

      And maybe a good seasoning of Europe. China is nothing more than the oregano sprinkled on a pizza after it has been served.